Tax planning

Our clients can count not only on standard bookkeeping and HR services, but also on comprehensive tax consultations.

We offer a service model developed in large corporations. Our clients can count not only on standard bookkeeping and HR services, but also on comprehensive tax consultations including:

  • tax liability planning;
  • representation of taxpayers before tax authorities and in administrative courts;
  • tax audit (review) – a comprehensive review of the Client’s affairs in the field of accounting, human resources, payroll, financing and administration of the enterprise in order to identify tax risks and uncover opportunities for tax optimisation that have not yet been used;
  • changes in legal forms (transformations) – development of a concept of organisational and legal changes tailored to the Client’s needs, aimed at reducing business risk and optimising tax liabilities (the service includes implementation of the developed plan);
  • Tax proceedings with respect to tax law interpretations – securing the Client against the consequences of unfavourable rulings on the application of tax regulations, preparing an application for the issuance of a desired law interpretation and representing the taxpayer in these proceedings.
  • Other procedures, e.g. MDR documentation, DCT;


Partners of our company

We operate based on our own knowledge and experience, but also on the knowledge and experience of our partners. This is why the benefit for you is double.

Our participation in professional self-government and economic

We use proven contacts at work for our clients business and knowledge of specialists in various field

Cooperation with audit compaines

We provide services to clients whose financial statements are subject to mandatory audits by statutory auditors.